Annie Baker

This keen production leaves you with a sense of menace, a strange sense of wonder and a sense that no one escapes the past
The Buffalo News

This cohesive meshing of story, set and character make JOHN a standout
Director David Oliver paces this show perfectly
Buffalo Theatre Guide

David Oliver’s production of
the play, a surprisingly funny
exploration of unresolved
anguish and the disparate
ways we react to it, opened
the Road Less Traveled
Productions 2017-18 season.
It is a testament to Baker’s
writing and Oliver’s direction
that this show does not feel
plodding, unfolding in graceful
adagio and punctuated with
staccato passages of rage
The direction by David Oliver
is sure, even,
completely believable
Buffalo Rising
In JOHN, the silences are
integral to the play, so knowing
when to have the actors be quiet
and when to have them speaking
is important, and Mr. Oliver has
done that, along with everything
else, very well
Buffalo Vibe

Photos by Gina Gandolfo